The Cloner works for Vigoro Shape Layers only!


Mix with Distributions

You can really easily mix your distributions and Cloner together to create some really complex effects. If you want, you can even set up your cloner to match the Circular distributions of your layers. Simply enable both the cloner and Circular Distributions, set the cloner copies to the number of Vigoro Layers you're using, and match the Circle Size in the distribution and the Radial Size in the cloner. Simple!

Enable Cloner (Checkbox): Enables/Disables the Cloner.
Cloner Copies: The number of Clones Created. Decimals will 'fade in' the Clones - eg. 4.5 clones would result in 4 full clones and one at 50% opacity.
Match Copies to Layers (Checkbox): When checked, the number of copies will be the same as the number of Layers in your Vigoro Stack. This is useful for following Circle Distribution (below).
Cloner Anchor Offset: Offsets the anchor point of each Clone - it won't move them, but other offsets will center around the new anchor points.
Cloner Position Offset: Offsets the position of each Clone.
Cloner Scale Offset: Offsets the scale of each Clone.
Cloner Angle Offset: Offsets the angle of each Clone.
Cloner Start Opacity: Sets the Opacity of the first Clone (The main layer). Clones will fade between the Start and End Opacity.
Cloner End Opacity: Sets the Opacity of the last Clone. Clones will fade between the Start and End Opacity.
Follow Circle Distribution (Checkbox): If you've used a circular distribution, this will align the clones to that distribution. Note that other clone offsets will still affect the clones! To create a circlular distribution of all your shapes, set other offsets to 0 and enable Match Copies to Layers.
Circle Offset: When Follow Circle Distribution is checked, this will offset each clone's radial distribution.
Circle Rotation Offset: When Follow Circle Distribution is checked, this will offset each clone's rotation in the Circular Distribution.